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Netherlands – Millions of self-tests to primary schools next week.

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From Monday 6 December, all primary and special primary schools will receive a first stock of self-tests for their students in groups 6, 7 and 8.

There will be a second automatic delivery before the Christmas holidays. This allows students to do a self-test at home twice a week.

Minister Arie Slob (Primary and Secondary Education) informed all 6700 primary schools of this in a letter.

The number of self-tests per school depends on the number of students and teachers.

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In total, the first delivery consists of 2.4 million self-tests. That is enough for all students in grades 6, 7 and 8 to test twice a week for two weeks.

Before the Christmas holidays there will be a second delivery that will provide enough stock until a few weeks after the Christmas holidays. Schools do not have to pay for this.

Slob: “Due to the high number of corona infections, we ask educational staff, students and parents to adhere to the tightened measures, such as mouth caps in the hallway, walking routes in the building and parents outside the school. I see that many schools are energetically working on this. The self-tests for students will now also be available in the short term. In this way we can ensure that we prevent the spread of the virus and that schools can remain open responsibly. That is our common goal.”

Test at home –

Pupils in groups 6, 7 and 8 of primary school are required to do a self-test at home twice a week, if necessary with the help of parents or other caregivers.

This also applies to all teachers. If the test is positive, the student or teacher and the rest of the family are quarantined and tested in the GGD test street. If the test is negative, the student or teacher can go to school.

Application –

For the group of pupils in primary education, about 1.2 million self-tests are required per week.

Schools receive the first two deliveries automatically, so schools can quickly provide their students with self-tests.

After the Christmas holidays, schools can request the necessary self-tests free of charge via a special program based on their own assessment of the stock. This prevents excessive stocks in the school building. Schools are already using this system to request self-tests for teachers.

Secondary education –

Secondary schools already received self-tests for unvaccinated students and teachers on request.

It is now urgently recommended that all students and teachers in secondary education take a self-test twice a week. Secondary schools can request these tests in the same way they are used to (through a special program).

This is also happening en masse: since the measures were announced, the number of applications has more than doubled.

In secondary education, approximately 1 million students and teachers are involved, for which 2 million self-tests are required per week.

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    Ankita Deshkar

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